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Before starting this section, I would like to define the term " carry" and a few words that some people may not know . A " carry" is a champion who has a weak overall game at first, but flourishes in great harm powerful late game , once you have received some good items and abilities senior . So you need your team to " take " at the beginning of the game, while he who will " carry " the team through the end of the game .


 A " soft" champion is a champion that only powerful skills required to do well and are not as dependent on the build. Softs include Anivia and Annie , for example, because they can still do much damage without good items (although better items are obviously preferable ) . Most magicians are soft carryes , if you do not have mage champions get them for free with league of legends hack , so you can train your mid lane champion skills and hopefully you will get so good that no one will be able to stop you or even kill you.


 A hard champion is a champion who needs a powerful build and is not as dependent on the skills to master the game, they are usually hard to handle at first but .In this category we can fit Tryndamere and Ashe and some other champ that scale up and do insane damage in the late game, this champions can not be stopped and are very powerful.


 Also an essential element in almost all computers, is the AD Carry is the champion long distance shoot enemies and towers and can crush a team if not controlled . However, these characters tend to be fairly weak, and require a high level to be useful in a fight. But once they reach that level , be careful.


 By keeping a Carry, you have to know where your area of relative safety . Your job in a fight is to deal as much damage as humanly possible without dying. You got the latest? WITHOUT DYING .


 Usually , it is not your job to float around and do damage . Ideally, you'll be a mobile machine gun that destroys everything in its path . Your tank should ensure that you do not get it , and if your team protecs you and keep the other enemy champions away from you , you will cause so much death and destruction on the enemy team all the opposing team will regret not having banned that champion . Even if you bring DPS Soraka.


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